Bronsexual is a term used to describe someone who loves and defend LeBron James more than life.
A Bronsexual is NOT a fan of any particular team other than Team Bron.
A Bronsexual does not have the ability to go back and forth with an intelligent basketball discussion.
A Bronsexual is quick to resort to bragging about off the court accomplishments in a very sad attempt to claim that their guy is the goat.
When a Bronsexual runs out of ammunition to argue with they will resort to their safe word by simply saying "YOU A HATER".
A Bronsexual can't help themselves to the point where they feel that they have to defend his honor and his legacy each and every time they see a post that does not glorify LeBron James
Shannon Sharpe is the biggest Bronsexual of them all because he almost got into a fight with LeBron's opposing team during the game trying to defend his King.