Whensley is the third in command of the crew. Whensley may be third in command but she is very important to the crew. Whensley is the only one able to contact our other two gods. Whensley is a cyborg who takes a mostly human form other than her cyan/blueish skin and deep red/purple hair. Whensley is our queen and she is very epic poggers. Any hate against her will be punishable by being spanked by Spog's alter ego, Big Juicy (not enjoyable).
person 1: I don't really like Whensley, she's a little sus ngl
person 2: T H E N Y O U S H A L L D I E
person 1: WHAT
person 2: jk jk lmao
Our first in command god. Spog is a purple and orange dragon who has been crowned as the god of our luxurious and grassy lands. Spog is often seen alongside the rest of the crew. Spog's friends include but are not limited to Bub, Whensley, and Dippity Doo.
person 1: Who is your favourite god of ours?
person 2: Spog, he is the most powerful of them all!
Bub is the second in command of the crew. Bub is friends with Spog and Whensley. Bub is a robot known as an aisoy. For copyright reasons we do not discuss this. He is just a bowling pin shaped robot that is all.
person 1: how tall do you think Bub is?
person 2: I heard he was 2 feet tall but why would I know?