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A person who unexpectedly lunges at another in an attempt to use suprise to engage the target in a passionate kiss.

Due to a lack of intuition, poor timing, nerves, or the motor reflex of the Lunger's target, such lunges are generally unsuccessful. A Lunger will often strike at the most inappropriate moment. A Lunger's target is often someone who does not desire the Lunger's attentions.

There are frequently witnesses to this embarrasing behaviour and it is believed that alcohol may play a part in deluding the lunger to believe that their actions are not only appropriate but heroic.

Lunging has been listed as a major cause of serious head and facial injuries world wide.

*It should be noted that a successful lunging attempt would be considered sauve, debonnairre, charming or romantic. Worthy of applause. Some Lungers would argue that any fails are well worth the risk!

Dancing at a club with a group of friends. One girl turns around after some random lunger calls her name. The lunger prepares to go in for the kiss but is already moving impossibly fast. As she slowly turns around his forehead slams into her nose.

You should have seen the commotion at the Awards ceremony the other nite! The 70 year old presenter practically licked the film star's tonsils when he went to give her the award. The filthy lunger!

by Lee D'Strae May 12, 2010

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