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French, pronounced "ME-show" n. usually unthoughtful statement/question that often leads to well-deserved ridicule. Generally derived from a lack of common sense. Used as an endearing term when one makes a bluntly obvious mistake

adj, used to describe a question that has a common sense answer

Bob, "Is Minnesota a state?"
Jack, "That's a michaud question"

Teacher, "Open your textbook to page 265"
Student, "What page?"
Other Student, "Don't be a michaud..."

Student, "Why did you write durde(dirty) on my paper?
Teacher, "It says divide?"
Student, "Sorry, I'm a michaud"

Text from Ted: 2:00P.M. "what are you doing tonight?"
Text from Kaitlyn: 6:00P.M. "sorry, I was busy all afternoon, what did you have in mind?"
Text from Ted: 6:01P.M. "what?"
Text from Kaitlyn: 6:02P.M. "You're being a michaud"

Fred: "Wanna go to the movies:
Ralph: "Sorry, i cant im going to dinner with my family"
Fred 2 hours later: "what are you doing tonight?"
Ralph: "That's a michaud question"

by Leg11t Dazzle February 21, 2011

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