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Colester. The nick name given to those who bare the name of cole. Colester is the nick name of champions and is known for cunningness and loyalty. A best friend and a a considerate heart. Finds one love and sticks with them for life. Is a go getter and overachiever. An aposolute stud. Never gives up and is wise beyond there years. Colester only come once every few generations and work towards one ultimate goal and won't stop until its achieved. The current Colester of this generation is Cole Wilson. This cole is different. He also bares the last name Wilson. A last name of champions and legends. There are many things to be learned about any one Colester and is a master of his own mind. The only ones privileged to know this are ones the current Colester allows. It is an honor to be considered a friend or companion of a Colester. The only mistake made with Colesters is mistaking kindness for weakness.

He has to to be a Colester! There's no way he couldn't be...

by Legend historian September 14, 2015