From the latin: Christophratis (Kris-Toff-Rat-Eez), Christ Krispies are the substance of God's flesh made into wheat cracker for the purpose of the Christian "Communion" ritual. I.e., a "Jeez It"
Are we having Christ Krispies for the Sabbath Communion, mimmy?
Social Media Justice Warrior -- like the Social Justice Warrior (protesters trying to push or refute any given narrative IRL), the SMJW spends day and night amid the swirling cloud of propaganda, trying to spread the "true vision", bringing all to the Nirvana of enlightenment.
She thinks she's some kind of SMJW, always trying to push the narrative on us through Twitter and Facebook, so I de-friended her .
Derogatory term for a male loser, chauvinist, douchebag; synonymous with "dick" -- "tool, specifically referring to the male genetalia, i.e., his penis; his dick; his tool.
The last attempt at getting that old, busted-ass piece of shitty technology to work. This is generally a final stage of frustration rather than an attempt at actual repair. It usually involves an irrational act or series of actions, often paired with an incomprehensible sequence of poorly-enunciated vulgarity.
Holy fuck, man. Oh my f... Hey, you see that Mercedes down there? Open the window for me. Yeah, I'm fucking serious. Let's see if I can peg her stupid vanity plate with this five pound Apple MacFrisbee. Let's see it do some diagoddamnostics on that shit!