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In order to Bleutch, one must find a rabies infested animal, shoot it with a BB gun, and proceed to fillet it. Everything besides the fillet will be fed to a wild hog. The hog is then to be shot and gutted, saving the pig stomach and deep frying it. The fried pig stomach is then to be blended and placed in a small jar. This is to be done on a large scale. You then must assemble a team and take all of the jars and replace the local supply of Gerber's baby formula with them.

Me and the boys decided to Bleutch the local Safeway last week.

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022

New Jersey Window Washer

Hook up with a girl with glasses, and jizz on her glasses, then proceed to take a squeegee and clean it off after she couldn't see where she was going and has walked into every piece of furniture in the room.

I was bored after we hooked up, so I gave her the New Jersey Window Washer and she almost knocked over my bookshelf.

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022

Somali Tree Stump

During doggystyle, when a log of poop starts to come out of their butt, so you take your meat out and push the log back down.

We were doing it, and I saw her about to poop, so I had to Somali tree stump it back in.

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022

Scottish Sun Dial

Take a table to the top of a hill in the Scottish countryside, and place a plastic penis on top of it, and rotate with the path of the sun.

I was bored one day, and decided to go outside and become a Scottish Sun Dial

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022

South Carolina Brake Light

During a threesome with one guy and two girls, make sure one of the girls is clinically obese and the other is blood related. Then, have the obese girl sit on your face so you cannot breath and have your blood relative ride you. You will become beet red in the face and might not survive, but hey, you went out like a champ.

Its so sad that he is gone, but he was a total badass to go out with a South Carolina Brake Light.

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022

Peruvian Sunglasses

Following 2 or more rounds of intercourse, two of the condoms are rolled back, as if just taken out of the package. Then, an individual places them on their eyes, as if wearing a monocle.

Dude, we went all night long. After, I told her to put her Peruvian Sunglasses on.

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022

Peruvian Sunglasses

Following 2 or more rounds of intercourse, 2 used condoms are rolled back into themselves and an individual places them upon their eyes, as if were wearing a monocle.

Dude, we went all night, and after I told her to put her Peruvian sunglasses on.

by Lego Store Manager August 11, 2022