Source Code

vaginal slice born born

1. Caesarian section.
Came from the Ticket, Gordon Keith.

2. Can also be a salutation of farewell.

Definition 1:
Girlfriend 1: Did she have natural childbirth?
Girlfriend 2: No, the baby was breech, so she had a vaginal slice born born.

Definition 2:
Dude 1: Well, time to go see the wife and squids. Later!
Dude 2: Vaginal slice born born!

by Leif February 18, 2005

479πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž


1. Poor spelling of a word meaning joint (doobie) - influenced by college hijinx.

2. Dude who happens to show up when the bong fires up, but never buys a bag.

1. Hand me a dubie, i'm too poor to afford two "o"s.

2. Man, dubie must have a nose that can smell this skunk a mile away. Here comes dubie.

by Leif February 18, 2005

101πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Wah, my pussy hurts!

Exclamation. It's a retort to someone who is whining about something rather trivial. It is said among dudes to indicate that their compadre is acting like a little girl...

Dude 1: I'm not sure I should ask her out, she might say no...
Dude 2: Wah, my pussy hurts!

Dude 1: Dude, you stole my beer!
dude 2: Wah, my pussy hurts!

Dude 1: The Prof. kicked me out of class since I didn't read the assignment.
Dude 2: Wah, my pussy hurts!

by Leif April 12, 2005

162πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

This is Vegas

This term is usually used when someone else asks you to keep a secret. Could be used in a one on one situation, or it could be used in a meeting situation, where a group is talking about another group or person.

Source: from the TV ads about Las Vegas, which state that what happens there stays there.

Gossiper 1: I really need to tell you about so-n-so, but you gotta keep this between you and me.
Gossiper 2: Don't worry, this is Vegas.

by Leif April 28, 2005

18πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

UDWOD Worthy

What UD editors call a definition that they reviewed as particulary enjoyable, and worthy of being recognized as UDWOD.

I tell you what, some of these UDWOD Worthy entries could become as popular as krunk.

by Leif June 9, 2005

19πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

have good and get give

Enjoy all the things coming and going your way. Usually said while passing a co worker down the hall. Buff Tanner was caught saying that, and it's caught on like wildfire in DFW area.

Dude 1: I gotta go! I just got paged by that nympho.
Dude 2: Aight! Have good and get give!

by Leif April 4, 2005

37πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Among other things, disco can also be an intransitive verb - an abbreviation of "disconnect" - usually used in the past tense. It is normally used during an online game or instant messaging.

Even with broadband, I somtimes get discoed.

Our group was destroying that Narglartch den on SWG until the Zabrak got discoed.

by Leif April 19, 2005

27πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž