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Used when you have style in doing things. Pro-ness, a mixture between prowess and profesional.

We parked our car in the tightest spot. I have proness

by Leif April 23, 2004

17πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

fire in the hole

(n) Sensation one gets the morning after eating ethnic food containing hot peppers, especially Jalepeños. The feeling is felt from the anus about 2 inches up the rectum.

Dude 1:Whew... that was some good chow from the Messican Joint on Harry Hines.
Dude 2: Yeah, but after eating 14 armadillo eggs, I'm gonna have fire in the hole tomorrow morning.

by Leif April 6, 2005

14πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Fake Russian word for VD. Used to make fun of people that like Russian Mail-order bribes.

Q: What's the Russian word for VD?
A: Rotcherkokov

I met this gal in Russia after browsing a mail-order bride site, but after I banged her, I got a bad case of rotcherkokov.

by Leif April 19, 2005

20πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

makes my pants go crazy

Another way to say that a female is very good looking and would be fun to mate.

Wow, I just got the latest playboy, and WOW does Amber Campisi make my pants go crazy!

by Leif February 21, 2005

31πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


What happens to you when you start nodding off and then you jerk your head back suddenly. Happens a lot when staying on the computer too long. Very dangerous if driving.

If you didn't get enough sleep, and you're driving, please pull over at the first instance of naplash. If possible, get coffee or walk around, or take a proper nap.

I was trying to play SWG the other night, but one of the people in our group kept disconnectin, and I started sufferin naplash.

by Leif April 7, 2005

358πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


From the German translation 'Speed Play', fartlek is a training exercise used by distance runners to increase their anaroebic capacity. This increases racing performance greatly by allowing muscles to better cope with the lack of oxygen associated with high-intensity activities. The process involves speeding up to race pace for several minutes, then jogging for several minutes, repeating until workout is over.

Uli did 2 hours of fartleks yesterday to get ready for the Seattle Marathon, he's insane!

by Leif February 24, 2005

88πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


The act of using the ALT+TAB keys to jump from application to application (Or document to document), or in the workplace, using those keys to hide the website of non working nature to go back to an open document looking like you're doing real work.

I hate that I can't alt-tab between Visio documents.

When Art heard the boss's footsteps, he quickly alt-tabbed to a spreadsheet, hiding the streaming pr0n he had been lookin at.

by Leif April 8, 2005

78πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž