Anti-Trans Activist, or Anti-Trans Activism.
When TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists" felt their self-created title had accrued a negative reputation, many started calling themselves Gender Critical (GC). When GC advocacy, too, acquired the same negative connotation, some GCs started to refer to themselves as "Sex Realists," much like the historical use of "Race Realist" (i.e. pseudoscience as a post-hoc justification for discrimination).
Without consistent terminology to describe people who primarily seek to, in the words of GC advocate Helen Joyce, "reduce or keep down the number of people who transition ... whether or not they're happily transitioned," the term "Anti-Trans Activist" or ATA serves as an umbrella term and a suitable counterpart to the anti-trans term TRA or "Trans Rights Activist" (which itself implies that all trans people are political activists with an "agenda," rather than defending their own existence).
I don't care what they call themselves; that "Alliance" group is an ATA organization because they exclusively spend all of their time and effort on advocacy that causes harm to trans people.