Anger or moodiness in a woman, caused by the onset of a period.
My wife gets so perangry whenever it's that time of the month
A person of any gender who uses their achievements, particularly those of a financial or career nature, as if they're swinging a big imaginary dick around the room. Very regularly seen on online dating profiles, or in first meeting situations.
Big Dick Syndrome most usually occupies people who for one reason or another feel insecure about themselves so try to put on a face to cover up their short comings.
"Hey baby, nice to meet you. I'm the senior executive manager of customer experience and digitalisation at XZY, and I think you're pretty hot, want to go for a ride in my '63 Ferrari Roadster? "
"I don't know, with your big dick syndrome you might not have room in the passenger side for me"
7๐ 8๐
Wife: Don't forget you have a 2:30 appointment today
6๐ 3๐
A red or inflammed pussy, most common after
drawn out & vigorous sex.
Let me know when I can have some more of that slapped ham