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Homeland Security

A federal agency established after 9/11/2001 to carry on the work of the terrorists. They help us fear nature by taking over FEMA and diverting funds that would have been spent on hurricane relief to equip meter maids with assault rifles. Constant reminders to "report suspicious behavior" to the police have made us fear each other and criminalized social anxiety disorder. Thanks to their fine efforts, being too shy to ask a girl for sex is now as likely to get you investigated as asking a girl for sex.

If you want to know why you feel insecure blame Homeland Security.

by Len Bakerloo June 14, 2018

19👍 3👎


/fək kahrd/


1. A calling card for anyone whose business primarily involves fucking others, e.g. prostitutes, politicians, lawyers, etc.
2. A card from any card game designed to fuck with your head or empty your wallet.

That game might have 15% black cards and 85% white cards but they are 100% fuckcards. I'd tell you the name of the game but the fucktards that run the company had their dipshit lawyers send me a C&D letter so I can't. If you need the name of the lawyer I'm sure I have her fuckcard around here somewhere.

by Len Bakerloo January 19, 2019

reductape add absurdium

The repeated patching up of a flimsy argument for a ridiculous proposition made by someone you’d think would be smarter.

Reductape is Latin for the process of repeatedly patching something until all you see is the patch and you can no longer see the thing being patched.

Absurdium is an isotope of Einsteinium (Es, atomic number 99) which when present in the brain of even the hugest genius renders them stupid.

Did you hear Trump’s latest claims that the election was rigged?
Yes. It was a case of reductape add absurdium.

by Len Bakerloo December 5, 2020


Nomic is an initially boring finite game created in 1982 by the philosopher Peter Suber.

On your turn you roll a die and add its value to your score. The first person to reach 100 wins and the game ends. However, each player can also propose a new rule or a modification of an old one on their turn and if the rule is adopted then the game can morph into something else.

Bob: "Let's play Nomic."

Carol: "Great. I propose the first rule is that we change the name to NotNomic and replace the number 100 in the win state with Infinity. That way we have an infinite game we can enjoy playing forever."

Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice: "Aye."

Ted: "The ayes have it. The rule is adopted. I propose we change the name to NullNomic and change the number in the win state to zero so the game is over before it starts and we don't have to play at all."

Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice: "Aye."

Alice: "The Ayes have it. Boy am I glad that shenanigans is over. Anyone up for a beer?"

by Len Bakerloo June 9, 2019