Source Code


v. To be beaten down by CISCO

A prime example of CISCOwnage

This condition, called count to infinity, loops packets continuously around the network in spite of the fundamental fact that the destination network, Network 1, is down. The routers are counting to infinity.

by Lennyist Leader April 19, 2004

57👍 14👎


A class of poitless origin that supposedly teaches networking... Actually you could probably teach yourself to network better with sticks and raw sewage. Tests consist of radom untaught material. WARNING: Will drasticly decrease GPA!!!

(also see:CISCOwned)

I took a CISCO class, four kids dropped out, the teacher jacked the notes off some Canadian website, and we all got CISCOwned in the grades department.

by Lennyist Leader April 19, 2004

124👍 118👎


-A term used to define something rediculous. Coined by Ryan Ford

-A yellow, Microsoft-Paint spawned, red and purple spotted, rather angry dinosaur.

-"that was utterly perpostisaurous!"

-perposterous.tripod.com: "Cuz he's perposterous like that" -kinda long load

by Lennyist Leader April 18, 2004

5👍 5👎