As a person is someone who is really awesome to hang around and is the life of the party. She is beautiful inside and out, even if she thinks other wise. Jayden is not good at finding boys to date but she is sweet once you get to know her. She likes to play video games, cook, sing, and play the Keyboard she also likes doing art. Jayden is one of the most beautiful and smartest person you will ever meet. She always sticks up for her friends and Best friends. She is easy to get along with but has a short temper so if you make her mad she puts her defenses up. She thinks every boy likes her and hopes her crush likes her back but she doesn't really know who she likes. She is a good kisser and hugger and she hopes someone will love her for who she is.
"Hey Jayden(Girl) can you help me with my work"
"Sure what do you need help with"
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