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Sisa Robt

1. A humorous or mistaken misspelling of the phrase "Qifsha robt," which is a vulgar expression in Albanian.

2. An inside joke or meme within a community, originating from the common typo of the phrase "Qifsha robt."

"During the online chat, someone typed 'sisa ropt' instead of the intended phrase, causing a lot of confusion and laughter."

"Whenever we play games together, someone inevitably types 'sisa robt' and we all crack up."

by Leonprogej_mer42069 July 8, 2024

2👍 1👎

Å trmun

1. A person who is constantly disorganized, scatterbrained, and often causes chaos unintentionally.

2. Someone who frequently finds themselves in confusing or problematic situations due to a lack of planning or foresight.

"Marko is such a Å¡trmun; he always forgets his keys and leaves his belongings everywhere."

"Sara is a real Å¡trmun. She double-booked her appointments again and now has to sort out the mess."

by Leonprogej_mer42069 June 8, 2024


1. A sudden burst of creativity or inspiration that leads to an innovative idea or solution.

2. A quirky and unique person who always brings fresh perspectives and ideas to the table.

"During the brainstorming session, Jelena had a flinkop and came up with the perfect campaign slogan."

"He's the flinkop of the team, always surprising us with his out-of-the-box thinking."

by Leonprogej_mer42069 July 8, 2024