Source Code


Coined in New Kent, Virginia (circa 2005)

Cumby - a noun describing an abnormal or odd-looking/odd-acting human. Cumbies are heavily concentrated in the Metro D.C. area.

"What a Cumby." - Describing a balding 25 year old male wearing a Homer Simpson T-shirt, cargo shorts, whitey tighties, and mandals over a skinny fat body, complete with a double chin, and an abnormally large penis.

"Look at that Cumbusandra." - Describing a hefty 40 year old woman with a beard and disheveled hair, wearing yoga pants and a Life is Good T-shirt, with a huge smile on her face, a plate full of meatloaf and fried eggs, sipping on a triple chocolate milkshake.

"It's Cumby City in here." - Describing a redneck Walmart.

by Lester Lingonberry August 26, 2016

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