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Jonah Marais

1/5 of the most amazing man band on the planet Why Don't We. He is so precious and the literal definition of perfect. Jonah loves coffee A LOT aswell Harry Potter.
When he's not breaking tables he'll be with his just as amazing bandmates Daniel Seavey, Zach Herron ,Corbyn Besson and Jack Avery. They make some really lit music together and if you haven't heard it, you should definitely go check it out because its unbelievable.
Don't change Jonah Marais every part of you is just right and no matter how much of a hoe you can be sometimes, us limelights just can't stay mad at you.

E.g. 1
Idiot: ew is that jonah marais?
Sane person: OMG SHUT UP HE IS GORGEOUS *slaps idiot*

E.g. 2

Person 1: why don't we are so amazing
Person 2: I know they are jonah marais is so amazing right?
Person 1: he sure is

by Let me hear you say wayhoo October 29, 2019

firework powder

The correct way to say 'gunpowder' is firework powder.

Many people do not know this as it was only finalised a short while ago due to an incident of someone throwing up their liver (yikes!)
Phil Knight, the smart person who changed the name said that 'people have benefited greatly from this change of awful wording'

Grace: iT's GuNpOwDeR nOt FiReWoRk PoWdEr!
Sane person: actually it is firework powder you idiot

by Let me hear you say wayhoo November 5, 2019