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Aaaaasing Benefit

The war cry of the chavy scum, with their tracksuit bottoms, Primark buffer jacket and fake Ugg boots as they prop the door up of any letting agent in the country with their pram ensconced within their 4th child (all the other children having different fathers waiting impatiently outside chasing pigeons) whilst the Poundland karee-er (aka carrier bag) swings from the handles of the pram, they are heard to cry, Medusa-like, "Do yer take Aaaaasing Benefit?"

Chav Scum "Do yer take Aaaaasing Benefit?"

Letting Agent "Unfortunately not, thank you for your interest in the property but none of our Landlords take Housing Benefit"

Chav Scum "Cheers"

by Letting Agent from Essex March 4, 2011

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