In contrast to the classic liberal thinkers who pulled humanity forward through the avantgardist treatment of reality, reberals and the Rebellious Liberals (generally millennials) who abhor values, family and ethics and have lived a life that rendered their being soulless, ethic-less and self-destructive.
A reberral usually lives in a pseudo-city, works in the service and/or ICT industries and is usually labelled as "Keyboard Warrior", "White Knight" or "Social Media Passionaria". Often pays to promote their own selfies !
Those reberals are filled with hate towards themselves, they are civil time-bombs: women who are not good at being women, men who are not good at being men.
1- The coupling of Consultant and Prostitute, usually given to professionals who provide ephemeral remedies and/or problems to an already present radical problem/normal situation.
2- Applies to several professionals in the field that, regardless of who's calling and the price they are paying, they have to be there.
3- Applies to professionals who fornicate their way up into the hierarchy of a Consulting firm
"Sweetheart, shall I book our regular table?"
"No Hun, I have a business dinner with my a new client. I need to crack that account"
"Such a Consultitute, babe !"