the correct way to spell "panicing"
Don't start panicing!
You mean "don't start panicking"
53👍 18👎
1. away to affirm something. It comes from "Oll Korrect" which is a bastardization of "all correct".
When everything's going the way you want it to, you say it's OK.
15👍 11👎
(also called PE) a form of child abuse that consists of kids that are forced to participate in sports that they would rather not do. The people that enjoy this are the dumb ass jocks who think that PE is the most important thing and enjoy tormenting people that aren't athletic. For people that do not like PE, it can create stress and make them unpopular. I believe that physical education is wrong and should be taken out of schools NOW!
Physical education IS a form of child abuse. Join CEPEIS now! (Crusade to End Physical Education In Schools Now)
342👍 229👎
A type of music that surpasses all others because it doesn't involve computer generated beats and even more shockingly, no lyrics about bustin' a whitey's ass with lead!
Rap has no true emotion behind it. True composers like Gustav Mahler and Dmitri Shostakovich were intelligent and put real emotion into their music. Rap doesn't have any feeling so it makes you think of nothing while you are listening to it. Classical does contain lyrics in the case of Opera and Church music and if you don’t understand the language, that’s YOUR fault!
The majority of listeners are intelligent people who refuse to listen to Rap because of how bad it sounds. Classical music is still being composed today and has never been better. Some modern composers are Leondard Bernstein and John Rutter.
Everybody knows that Rappers got famous because the majority of moron Americans would rather listen to “Come and lick my lollipop, you ho!” rather than listen to true beautiful emotion classical music.
Anyone can rap:
1: Think of some horrible lyrics about violence, drugs, rape, and misogyny
2: Repeat step 1 six times
3: Invite 5 of ya gang around
4: Give them a microphone and and a synthesizer
5: Give each person a different sheet with random notes
6: Record the result
7: Get some dumbass MTV person to broadcast your shit.
Most movies these days only use classical music a.k.a. real music rather than that fucking rap shit like 8 Mile, the worst movie ever made.
The reason classical is only played during movies nowadays is because:
1: If they played rap, people would die
2: The movie industry is too civilized for Rap.
3: Rap artists like 50 cent have too many hoes to fuck and ain’t got no time to to movie music.
Classical will remain popular whereas in about 10 years rap will go out of style. People have been fans of classical music for centuries!
Classical is not boring. There’s more to classical than slow violin and piano pieces. Have you ever heard Shostakovich? Have you ever heard Mahler? I suggest buying “Shostakovich Symphony No. 4” and tell me what you think!
Non-music: 50 cent, Chingy, Nelly, Ludacris, Ja Rule, The Game, and all that other shit!
Music: Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Rachmaninov, Peter Tchaikovsky, Camille Saint-Saens, Johann Bach, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig Beethoven, and much more…
1030👍 509👎
a language derived from Latin and spoken by the people of the country of Italy. Here's a pronunciation guide:
A = pronounced like (AH)
AI = pronounced sort of like (EYE)
AU = pronounced like (OW)
B = pronounced like (B)
C = pronounced like (K) when next to A, O, U, HI, HE, R, L
C = pronounced like (CH) when next to I, E, IA, IO, IU
D = pronounced like (D)
E = pronounced like (AY) with single consonants
E = pronounced like (EH) with double consonants
F = pronounced like (F)
G = pronounced like (G) when next to A, O, U, R, L, HI, HE
G = pronounced like (J) when next to I, E, IA, IO, IU
GU = pronounced like (GW)
GN = pronounced like (NY) as in CANYON
GL = pronounced like (LY) as in TALL YARD
H = pronounced silent makes G and C hard next to I and E like in the word "SPAGHETTI"
I = pronounced like (EE)
J = occurs in foreign words; pronounced like (Y)
There is no K
L = pronounced like (L)
M = pronounced like (M)
N = pronounced like (N)
O = pronounced like (OH)
OI = pronounced sort of like (OY)
P = pronounced like (P)
Q = pronounced like (KW) when next to U
R = pronounced like (R) but it is rolled like in Spanish and Latin
S = pronounced like (S) and pronounced like (Z) when it is surrounded by vowels like in "POESIA"
T = pronounced like (T)
U = pronounced like (OO)
V = pronounced like (V)
There is no W
There is no X
There is no Y
Z = pronounced like (TS)
ZZ = pronounced like (TS)
The grave accent appears on the last syllable of words to indicate that it is stressed. Otherwise, there are generally no other accents.
Italian is a beautiful language and should be taught in more schools. I hope I am not missing anything in the pronunciation.
238👍 84👎
A type of music that surpasses all others because it doesn't involve computer generated beats and even more shockingly, no lyrics about bustin' a whitey's ass with lead!
Rap has no true emotion behind it. True composers like Gustav Mahler and Dmitri Shostakovich were intelligent and put real emotion into their music. Rap doesn't have any feeling so it makes you think of nothing while you are listening to it. Classical does contain lyrics in the case of Opera and Church music and if you don’t understand the language, that’s YOUR fault!
The majority of listeners are intelligent people who refuse to listen to Rap because of how bad it sounds. Classical music is still being composed today and has never been better. Some modern composers are Leondard Bernstein and John Rutter.
Everybody knows that Rappers got famous because the majority of moron Americans would rather listen to “Come and lick my lollipop, you cunt!” rather than listen to true beautiful emotion classical music.
Anyone can rap:
1: Think of some horrible lyrics about violence, drugs, rape, and misogyny
2: Repeat step 1 six times
3: Invite 5 of ya gang around
4: Give them a microphone and and a synthesizer
5: Give each person a different sheet with random notes
6: Record the result
7: Get some dumbass MTV person to broadcast your shit.
Most movies these days only classical music a.k.a. real music rather than that fucking rap shit like 8 Mile, the worst movie ever made.
The reason classical is only played during movies nowadays is because:
1: If they played rap, people would die
2: The movie industry is too civilized for Rap.
3: Rap artists like 50 cent have too many hoes to fuck and ain’t got no time to to movie music.
Classical will remain popular whereas in about 10 years rap will go out of style. People have been fans of classical music for centuries!
Classical is not boring. There’s more to classical than slow violin and piano pieces. Have you ever heard Shostakovich? Have you ever heard Mahler? I suggest buying “Shostakovich Symphony No. 4” and tell me what you think!
Non-music: 50 cent, Chingy, Nelly, Ludacris, Ja Rule, The Game, and all that other shit!
Music: Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Rachmaninov, Peter Tchaikovsky, Camille Saint-Saens, Johann Bach, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig Beethoven, and much more…
350👍 182👎
a word used in place of "have" when "have" would be more appropriate. "Got" referrs to just receiving something, whereas "have" means that you already own it.
1. I got no presents for Christmas last year.
2. I have no talent when it comes to dancing.
1. Have you got any shorts?
(Do you have any shorts?)
78👍 71👎