Source Code

Joesph Gagnon

A joesph Gagnon is a gardening tool. It has a secret purpose which is to hammer your ballsack up into your anus.

“Dude my ass feels better after I pounded it with my Joesph Gagnon”

by LexiBatterson69 January 1, 2019

Callum Smith

A Callum Smith is a tool used to peel back unwanted skin. You can peel back the skin on your arms, back, legs, even your eyelids.

“Check out my new callum Smith. I just peeled my foreskin!”

by LexiBatterson69 January 1, 2019

2👍 2👎

Chasey Pepin

A Chasy Pepin is a foreign sex slave dungeon, located in Mississippi. Just off the coast of Afghanistan. It a dungeon that has really powerful heat tubs that will burn your skin off before you even get in the tub. It has elderly people who constantly shit on the floor, but honestly who cares. The sex dungeon will eat their shit.

“Woah guys look! It’s the chasey Pepin”

by LexiBatterson69 January 2, 2019