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Dirty Dawn

When you open up a window or go outside and screw just before daybreak. Basking in morning glory, both partners withhold climax until the morning sun touches one partner. Wherever the sun touches, either the man ejaculates on that part of the partner or the woman wipes a slathering load of post coital juices upon the other partner. Resulting in a Rafiki / Simba like moment. Singing "Aweemaway" or "The Circle of Life"is optional but not required

I got dirty dawned this morning while my garden gnome looked at me in disapproval

by Lexicon dogs July 24, 2021

2👍 1👎

Dirty Tyshonda

When you creepily refer to a woman as babygirl, motorboat her, and steal $3 off her desk.

I can buy mt dew and hot chip after that dirty Tyshonda I just pulled.

by Lexicon dogs January 9, 2021

Dirty Adriel

When you fill a bathtub with water almost to the top and a couple engages in intercourse doggy style while the receiving partner's head is placed underwater. The pounding partner repeatedly dunks their head under water and says "Who's the Master Leroy!", a situation reenacting a scene depicted in Berry Gordy's the Last Dragon where Shonuff does the same thing to Bruce Leroy in an act of dominance. Proceeding until someone "gets the glow",i.e. Reaches climax.

She was trying to run a bubble bath until I came in and gave her a dirty adriel.

by Lexicon dogs June 7, 2020

6👍 1👎