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An abbreviated way to ask the question, "May I Help You?". Typically used by counter workers in the fast food industry, but not exclusively by them.

Good morning Wendy, welcome to McDonalds, melpyou?

by Li XiaoLong July 6, 2016


The process of cleaning a simple spill, a mess in a car, or a kitchen after a chilli bakeoff with a roll of paper towel.

Hey Wendy, the dogs just puked in the kitchen, time for a papertoweling.

by Li XiaoLong August 15, 2018


A Googleator is a tool used to search for something on the internet. This is a generic term typically used when asking someone for a device to search (without having to ask for a "smart phone" or "tablet" or "laptop" or whatever). It simplifies the question without having to worry about what type of device they have.

"Hey Wendy, do you have your Googleator because I am trying to settle an argument and need to search the internet".

by Li XiaoLong June 9, 2016

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A person that calls themselves a Canadian, but really only bought a passport or affiliation.

Good afternoon my friendly fakadians, Wendy told me that you wanted to become citizens of Canada and thank you for your payment.

by Li XiaoLong November 22, 2020


The act of buying or otherwise collecting stuff.

Hey Wendy, the credit card bill indicates some great gotting last month.

by Li XiaoLong September 25, 2020

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A psychiatric disorder where one finds a person wearing a face mask particularly sexually attractive.

Wendy thinks our son has Maskophelia because he finds face-mask wearing women particularly attractive.

by Li XiaoLong October 1, 2020

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The practice of just being a great person to fellow humans.

Wendy, your children are great contributors to society and they say it is due to the practice of antidickism.

by Li XiaoLong October 31, 2020