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Normal people who have cultural similiraties and are found in North Africa and Easten Europe and Western Asia. Their skin colors vary from pink to olive to brown. The true arabs are from countries such as iraq, the arabs that are mixed the most are from gulf countries. Arabs from gulf countries are mixed with africans, persians, and indians because of trading etc. generally, true arabs have light olive skin with dark hair and dark eyes. Being a blonde arabs does NOT mean you are mixed with European. It's actually the opposite, since europeans come from arabs and there is evidence to prove it. All arabs speak arabic, if you don't speak arabic, you are considered an outsider since you abandoned your language. Arabs are mostly christians and Muslims. Christians and Muslim arabs lived peacefully for centuries until imperialism spreaded and the zionists started seperating them. Arabs are the most oppressed people in the world, but that's because they are dumb and do not want to work together in an organized manner. Please don't get me wrong, I am arab myself.
Arabs look like people from spain, Argentina, Greece, Italy, france, and white, if they shaved their beards and dressed like westerners, and gulf arabs generally look like indians (because of trade), pakistanis, persians, and africans. North African arabs, look like berbers and black but some look white.

John : Did you see that arab girl? She looks like shakira!!
Laila : That's because shakira is half arab!

by Lianaaaaaaaaaaa November 24, 2013

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