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Helen Keller routine

To totally ignore someone by pretending you are deaf, dumb, and blind.

My boss called me into the office to chew me out, but I gave him the Helen Keller routine.

by Libertine October 3, 2005

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

barn burner

a big dramatic disagreement, a shouting match, or a knockdown dragdown fight.

When Mary caught Sue with her husband, they had a barn burner of a fight.

by Libertine October 2, 2005

61πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

dead into it

To be right in the middle of sex, buried to the hilt inside of a woman.

I was dead into it when her husband opened the door and caught us together.

by Libertine October 2, 2005

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

barking up the wrong tree

Picking the wrong person, the most unlikely person, to do, listen, or accept something.

You're barking up the wrong tree if you think I want to become religious and go to church.

by Libertine October 11, 2005

256πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

beep box

A small cheap car, an "econobox". Beep boxes typically have a boxy, boring, no-frills body style and a high pitched horn that sounds like it belongs on a toy car. The old Chevy Chevettes and Ford Festivas are typical examples of beep boxes.

John didn't have much money, so he had to buy a beep box.

by Libertine October 19, 2005

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

dragging anchor

How a person feels going about their normal activities after not getting enough sleep and having insomnia.

I was up all night with a cold, so I spent the next day at work dragging anchor.

by Libertine October 4, 2005

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The ugly equivalent of beautiful.

If my dog was as ugliful as she was, I'd shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards

by Libertine October 3, 2005

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž