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New Money Haunted Suburb of Chicago Illinois.
#1 place to raise an ungrateful teenager.

I live in the affordable part of Naperville.

by Lig Na Baste July 9, 2016

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. Sells a "discount card" that simply removes the tax from any purchase and adds a paltry amount to the already undervalued trade-ins.

2. Can't be bothered to produce mock display cases, so they open a new copy and use that.

3. Considers the potential rental(s) of said copies by employees, to not count toward considering the game "used" and proceeds to sell the above mentioned copies "as new".

4. Many employees are so casual they'll stand around talking and playing PSPs while customers wait.

5. Will buy a used game that sold for $59.99 last week, for $12.00 (credit) then, sell it for $55.00.

6. Apply a penalty of -20% for cash trade-ins.

7. Used game prices for new games are only five dollars less than new.

8. Do not take cases, books, maps, other pack-ins into consideration no matter how important, when considering price for used merchandise.

Why shop at Gamestop or EBgames when you can go to eBay or, any other other user-based exchange, and buy or sell games for sensible prices?

by Lig Na Baste August 3, 2008

246πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


Website devoted to The collectible miniatures game Hero Clix by Wizkids Games.

A large collection of cliquish fanboys and self righteous, ego stroking losers who spend all day thanking a corporation for taking their money in exchange for poorly made, developed and ridonkulously priced crap.

Questioning/criticizing Wizkids is a direct attack on members' egos, despite devoting at least one section toward the notion of criticism this behavior is not tolerated and group bullying is the staff's accepted response.

HCRealms is a great place to go to make your own fandom seem normal and healthy by comparison.
Remember: Wizkids prices are always reasonable and if you think otherwise you have the right to be ganged up on for saying so.

by Lig Na Baste November 30, 2007

83πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Bad (Noun)

Game slang used by the more obnoxious, sheep-like players of the MMORPG: World of Warcraft, to describe people who aren't good at World of Warcraft.
(or who are good at it, but aren't cared for by the fuck sticks who find this kinda shit cool)

Alternative is "Terribad". Born from a mindblowing supernova of creativity and wit, combining the words "terrible" and "bad" to form a word so socially impaired and embarrassing, that it borders on self parody.

Used by the biggest losers, kids, forum trolls and mouth breathers of the WoW community, possibly to differentiate themselves from any intelligent players instinctively, to attract the only people capable of tolerating such idiots. Other Assholes.

If someone calls you a bad, it's not because you're actually bad at the game. It just means you pissed off a childless, witless, retarded jackhole who plays WoW.

"lol ur mad ur a bad olololol"

- Actual statement by a real WoW player, a grown man.

Bad (Noun)

by Lig Na Baste March 11, 2009

59πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


"The whole point of SomethingAwful is to make jokes only (self-hating) nerds find funny and to pick on internet sub-cultures even more pathetic than them. SA readers feel threatened by fucking loving furries and juggalos, as they are all members of these subcultures themselves and fear exposure for the human detritus that they are."
- Encyclopedia Dramatica

The whole point of SomethingAwful and Encyclopedia Dramatica is to make jokes only (self-hating) nerds find funny and to pick on internet sub-cultures even more pathetic than them. SA readers feel threatened by fucking loving furries and juggalos, as they are all members of these subcultures themselves and fear exposure for the human detritus that they are

<irony fixed>

by Lig Na Baste June 13, 2008

120πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Donkey Puncher

An alien frat guy whose dad totally owns a car dealership, had to get hammered to get his lung tat cause it hurt like eight bitches on a bitch boat and totally rocks the seven shades of shit out of your face, motherfuckers.
From: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Episode: Frat Aliens (2003)
Voiced by: Patton Oswalt

Frylock: Okay... then what's your real name?
DP: Bros call me DP, short for donkey-puncher, get it?
Frylock: Yeah.. I do.
DP: Sometimes I'm donkey puncherelo, or D-to-the-P, or Big DP, or uh.. King Donko of Punchstania.
Master Shake: Dude, the player. Dude party! Party Dude!!! PD!!!
Frylock: No, I need your real name. What your mother calls you.
DP: Ah... You know what, just try DP.
Master Shake: Dude pal! That's what you should be... cause you're my dude...pal!
DP: Dude, your buddy here is givin' me a rash.

by Lig Na Baste May 6, 2008

126πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

Atlus.com Message Boards

Poorly moderated message board for the video game company Atlus.

Members consist of arrogant, childish elitists whose love of relatively obscure niche market Japanese RPGs has created a high school-caliber clique of virginal losers completely oblivious to how bad they make the fans look. Constant trolling and flame wars are the norm. Posts about who should be banned and attacks on people who are -at best- tame by comparison to the popular members are common. 90% of each thread devolves into "random humor" and inside jokes and/or circle jerks. Popularity is based on who you make fun of and reject and, who you accept and never question -both of which, are determined by the high post counters.

Moderators are more concerned with being viewed as "cool" by the small group of attention whoring popular members while enforcing said clique-minded mobbing until no longer personally entertaining.

Atlus.com message boards is THE place to go for gamers who think games should ride solely on unorthodox character designs and limited edition sales.

by Lig Na Baste March 4, 2008

119πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž