Reverse Fanboys.
Anime haters are the equally annoying opposite of anime fankids.
Deluded into thinking they are normal, well adjusted people devoid of flaws.
Consider it their duty and right to belittle others under some ridiculous notion of normality. Like these people are suddenly saints. But, they only decide to crusade against people who like Japanese cartoons. Yeah let's not worry about Darfur, or war or terrorists, or bigots or child abuse, yeah you take those cartoon watchers down a fuckin' peg. You paragons of social interaction.
These equally obsessed fools can be seen online blathering about how normal they are and how much of a life they have, simply because they aren't hardcore into anime. They are however, hardcore into trolling the internets looking for fights. Which is totally what well adjusted social dynamos are famous for.
Are known for using stereotypical extremes to justify being douchebags. Judging anime (not movies or magazines) by the worst examples and ignoring the rest (just like fanboys do!)
Lump all anime fans into an convenient to despise group of perverts because it's easy.
Think that spending all their time looking for obsessed people to make fun of isn't at all hypocritical.
Think that being obsessed about Japanese cartoons is a serious issue, despite all the horrible things going on in the world. These idiots think anime viewing is bad. Signs that these "normal" people really have little worries or priorities. Normal people however, have bigger problems. Nobody gives a shit but you haters. The rest of us don't give a crap about what cartoons someone watches. People with lives, girlfriends and jobs who get out of the house wouldn't have time to give a shit.
The only people that give a rat's ass about anime fankids are people who spend all day online or lame ass teens who hate whatever is trendy to hate.
Let's not kid ourselves, anime haters don't give a shit about being normal. They are petty assholes who need to pick on people and anime hating is easy and popular. If these people were as normal as they say they'd be offline living their fabulous lives rather than being online ensuring everyone that they have them.
So let me get this straight, that guy dressed as a cartoon character laughing with his friends makes you so angry that you felt the need to call him a fag? Where on Earth is that "normal"? What is this, junior high?
Why can't you just dislike anime? Why go that extra step and become anime haters? They're just as annoying.
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Opposite of the Anime Fanboy. Just as annoying. The other side of the same douchy coin.
Someone who dislikes anime (and more often and importantly, it's fans) to such to a point that "hater" is applied. This usually implies a dislike for something no matter what. Without exception.
Just as anime fankids go on and on about how testicle tickling anime is and why Jesus would have loved it. Anime haters go on and on about why tentacle porn and Dragonball Z with bring about Armageddon and how they totally hate obsessed people that aren't the obsessed people obsessed over the obsessed people obsessed with anime.
More often than not spend a tremendous amount of time online picking fights with anime fans. Then, referring to them as obsessive and/or defensive or, overly sensitive when they fight back. They tend to move beyond the state of simply disliking the format and into a state where they are more concerned with confronting anime fans with said dislike to the point of obsession. It's not enough to not watch anime, the anime. They need to belittle those that do.
Usually resort to petty annoyance tactics and trolling when confronted by an intelligent response or counter argument.
Invariably resort to the same tired set of tactics, responses and examples such as cosplay, tentacle porn and Dragonball Z. As if cherry picking the worst examples is somehow a good way to gauge a whole style of art (not including sub-genres).
You can dislike anime all you want and be a normal person who simply doesn't dig anime. It takes a certain kind of asshole to be considered an anime hater though.
If an anime hater held every format of entertainment by the inconceivable scrutiny they hold anime to, in terms of judging said format by the least of it's peers, these poor people wouldn't do anything at all.
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