1. "Anime" or so called TV show that first aired in Japan, Dragon Ball Z is a show watched by youth. Dragon Ball Z is, without a doubt, horribly un-entertaining, violent, and just plain stupid. Many typical children still watch this "Tv Show", which I would find those children mentally retarded, unless they we're young.
86👍 101👎
theunsurpassed is true genius who posts on The Vestibule at boards.ign.com. He is responsible for the phrases "End Yourself" and "You suck at life". Those 2 phrases, which are used more than any other phrase (excepting the word "owned") on internet forums, were both coined and created by theunsurpassed.
theunsurpassed is, without a doubt, a modern genius.
If someone says something stupid, say "End Yourself".
If someone is feeling down, say "End yourself. You suck at life."
theunsurpassed is brilliant.
26👍 14👎
A bootneck is a Royal Marine Commando.
Thick necks from the heavy weights they carrie.
26👍 59👎
The most amazing human being in the world the loves dogs and baseball, football, and hockey
34👍 16👎