Source Code


That sentient supercomputer smartass from the video game, DR. Muto(on Nintendo Gamecube, Sony Playstion 2, and Microsoft Xbox)

Al is often saying rude things to Dr. Muto during the game.

by Light joker April 25, 2004

19πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

hold one's horses

to wait up, to be patient

Hold your horses! I will get to that in a minute.

by Light joker May 4, 2005

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

suck face

(variants: chew may replace suck)

to kiss (more jocular than crude)

This kid was sucking face with his girlfriend, right out in the open.

by Light joker March 13, 2005

8πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A term implying that the said person is all white.
(Acronym, From White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, usually derogatory)

Just because I am white does not mean I am a Wasp.

by Light joker April 17, 2004

16πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


1. ice cubes

2. the tesicals (see also rock, stones, on the rocks)

That punk got me right in the rocks.

by Light joker October 24, 2005

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

family jewels

The testicals(a jocular euphemism, from the fact that the testicals are necesary to produce a family)

Mom, he kicked me in the family jewels.

by Light joker September 18, 2004

40πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

one size fits all

of broad or universal application (from a label on clothing products that indicates they can accommodate the size of any wearer)

War is not a one size fits all solution.

by Light joker October 18, 2006

22πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž