audacity, courage (an elaboration of balls)
It takes brass balls to face a monster.
66π 44π
1. dull or uncool
2. a dull or uncool person
3. a conventional cigarette
4. to work out one's problems with someone
That square has no idea what he He is saying.
29π 13π
get active and get busy
Lets go, move it, up an at 'em.
198π 35π
to urinate (see also piss, whiz)
He had to pee so badly, he was in pain.
150π 79π
a symbol made from punctuation marks, used to denote emotion
Why do you need to use emoticons? Don't you know that we can tell you a thinking by what you write?
92π 179π
1. depressed
2. inoperative (said of machines)
3. to eat or drink something quickly
4. satisafactory
I am feeling so down about the results of the test.
31π 33π