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a tall squared and slanted haircut (from the name of a character who has such a shape of head)

Dude, what's whith the gumby?

by Light joker March 30, 2007

68πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

graveyard shift

a working shift that begins at midnight or 2 AM

I don't think I would have enough energy to stay awake during a graveyard shift.

by Light joker July 8, 2005

89πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

good cop/bad cop

marked by alternations between two contradicting things, such as friendliness and hostility (from a term for a police interrogation technique)

I had to deal with the good cop/bad cop routine all week.

by Light joker December 28, 2005

128πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

freedom fries

The worst idea for making the people of the U.S. look patriotic ever.

Why would George W. Bushwah get the idea that French fries were actually named after the French anyway, which is beside the fact that there are many people in the U.S. that have French heritage.

by Light joker June 26, 2004

808πŸ‘ 288πŸ‘Ž


During reconstruction after the civil war in the southern U.S. there were notherners who came down who were called scallywags and carpet baggers. The word scallywag meant troublemaker and carpet-bagger was an allusion to the bags carried by the norther buisness men who came just to profit. The use of both of these terms was in effect of any person seen as one of these type of people, regardless of race.

I learned about people who former confederate supporters reffered to as scallywags and carpet-baggers in My U.S. history class in 11th grade when the unit vocabulary was being discussed.

by Light joker June 15, 2004

47πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

act like one's shit dosen't stink

to act as if one is better than everybody else

Why do you always act like your shit dosen't stink?

by Light joker June 18, 2005

27πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


a stupid person(i.e. there is air where brains should be)

His ex girlfriend was such an airhead.

by Light joker December 23, 2004

1220πŸ‘ 233πŸ‘Ž