the female genitals, the vulva
Wether she shaves her muff or not is none of your business.
70π 60π
1. a thug (see also hired goon)
2. a stupid person, a dullard
The frightened woman, finding herself surrounded by goons, made the desperate decision to use the pepper spray,in spite of thier threat to call the boss if she did so.
32π 45π
a politician (origin unknown)
It seems that baby-kissers are praised as much as they are criticized.
17π 1π
1. the buttocks
2. to display one's nude buttocks
Jim got sent to the principal's office for mooning in school today.
273π 162π
1. a person who wakes up early
2. a person who arrives early
I am an early bird, but I do sleep in on weekends.
193π 37π