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illegal casino

A place hidden from public with computer screens for online slot play and fish game tables full of tweakers and people from the street, hanging out, smoking tweak, making deals, buying selling drugs etc,,,

Went to the illegal casino last night and played the fish game,,,

by Lightbeing September 27, 2020


When you hate someone so much you want them to die in a nuclear blast,,

I hate this bitch so much I want her to be vitrified,,,

(To be exposed to extreme heat that it turns everything into glass when cooled,, vitrify)

by Lightbeing November 19, 2020

Cheap whore

A stupid ass bitch that sucks and fucks for some tweak or any drug of choice, some money, a casino ticket, cigarettes, or a dinner,,

Dude,, 'you're girl' is a cheap whore,

by Lightbeing November 19, 2020

6👍 3👎

free ho

A free ho is a bitch (woman) who will hang out with friends or ex's, even guys she just met, or guys on her long list of contacts to go on dates or to get smoked out, get a free lunch/dinner, do sexual favors or anything else for money or drugs,,,

You're girlfriend is a free ho and she's cheating on you and lying about everything,,,

She avoids your calls/text messages, gives vague answers to your questions about her whereabouts last night/day, is never home and hangs out with people all night/ day doing drugs, getting high, money, drugs, dates, and having fun, never tells you who she was with or what she was doing,,, also could say she's not cheating on you, but is and lying,,

by Lightbeing September 27, 2020


All sex is commerce,,
If you don't know that, you are being billed indirectly,,

A prostitute is rented,
A girlfriend is leased,
A wife is financed,

by Lightbeing November 18, 2020