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Never ✌️ and luv ❤️

An expression one should use when one wishes to express that they will respectfully not be complying.

Sis: Bro stop sending me links to fugged up Instagram reels
Bro: Never ✌️ and luv ❤️

by Ligma Sig Malone April 29, 2024


1. Putting a hurtin on something, like a puzzle or a plate of food.

2. Unintentionally collaborating with another to cause chaos in this world.

1. DJ: Hey BJ, want to help me solve this puzzle?
BJ: Yeah dude I got you.

BJ: *starts putting puzzle pieces in place*
BJ: *whispers* damage, damage, damage, damage, damage, damage...

2. BJ: So wait, they were together for that long?
DJ: Yeah dude, it's a classic case of bisexual boy does damage with bisexual girl and vice versa.

by Ligma Sig Malone April 29, 2024

Sent our ass

A simple misunderstanding. Redirect to centaur ass.

BJ: Did you say that guy has a sent our ass?
DJ: Idiot, no. Centaur ass.

by Ligma Sig Malone April 29, 2024

Rip Bozo

When you fart so fucking bad.

1. *rando walks past*
DJ: Ew, it stinks!
BJ: Yeah, that guy totally just ripped bozo in here!

2. BJ: How should I get revenge on that arsehole?
DJ: Go rip bozo in his bedroom.

by Ligma Sig Malone April 29, 2024

Fivever never and love fourever

A manner of respectfully expressing that someone's wish is so far out of the realm of possibility that you won't even be considering it not for one minute.

Friend 1: Can we please stop at Dutch Bro's on the way out of town?
Friend 2: Fivever never and love fourever

by Ligma Sig Malone April 29, 2024


An excessively long foreskin.

John: This is my uncurcimsized penis.
Jack: Damn boy you got a fiveskin on that.

by Ligma Sig Malone April 29, 2024