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An ignorant, hopeless, lazy, self absorbed imbecile that so desperately wants the world to revolve around them they turn minor incidents into opportunities to screw people over and act like they are personal victories.

An individual that chose a career in a field outside of their mental capacity . Instead of working hard and trying to overcome personal character flaws to in order to become successful, they take an admin or management position in order to micro-manage individuals to make other people more miserable than they are.

A person known for rage quitting when they don't get there way or can't manipulate a situation for self gain.

An extended family member that you can't stand to be around for more than one or two hours a year and that is pushing it.

A person that chooses to beleive in false information even when presented with factual observable facts.

i.e. Flat Earthers, Anti-vaxers and what ever you call people that don't believe dinosaurs actually existed.

Virginia just got done with another one of her stories where she suspended a 5th grader for drawing a picture of her eating a bag of dicks, she's a real spark-pod.

Somehow the spark-pod kissed enough ass that they made him the lead of the department even though he was the worst operator in the plant.

The spark-pod didn't get her way so she's been pouting in her room for four hours.

Mitchell will be here this weekend, hopefully he doesn't bring that spark-pod with him.

That spark-pod thinks dinosaur bones were put here to test her faith.

by Lil' Juan February 10, 2019