It is the death threat capitol of the world. It has been said that middle schools in the area have supposed "gangsters" who rock the 973 area code. The local rap scene has OG songs like "Straight outta Copeland" and "Nibblers 4 life" AWA, better known as Assholes With Attitudes releases weekly hits recorded at the group's main rapper's mom house, aka behind the AMC. Depending on where you are in this area, It can be defined by 2 main sectors, the gays, and the fake gangs. The gays have their rap called Lil Artistic X, they also rock the iconic green dyed hair and usually wear some sort of rainbow color as identification of their rap affiliation. The mall in the area doesn't usually have many people with rap affiliation, but you will find a dominant species in this mall area, soccer moms. Overall, Rockaway Townships residents, are either too rich to care, pretend the assholes don't exist, keep it real, or become fake rappers or gangsters. But mostly just shitty divided community or a group of actually decent people.
I went to Rockaway Township, that shit changed me.