You have two cows. You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows, and then act surprised when it drops dead right in front of you
Smackhead Steve: Hey! My cow just died. I don't know why. It was perfectly healthy.
Dickhead Daniel: The one you forced to produce the milk of four cows?...
Smackhead Steve: Yeah, that one, after I sold the other. It just dropped dead right in front of me.
Dickhead Daniel: Isn't that called corporatism?
Smackhead Steve: Yeah, is that what it's called? Hm, must be.
Dickhead Daniel: Yeah, it's corporatism. Just don't act surprised that your cow died.
Smackhead Steve: Ehhhhhh nah, too late mate. I'm as surprised as...
Dickhead Daniel: As a squashed shallot?
A cute little pussy cat.
A four-legged useless animal that was tamed to be a pet. They serve no purpose whatsoever than just to shit on the floor hoping to watch you pick it up.
Dickhead Daniel: The last pussy I touched was your mums!
Smackhead Steve: Dude, you can't be saying that!!
Dickhead Daniel: I meant your mums Ragdoll cat
Smackhead Steve: Oh...
Dickhead Daniel: Dickhead!
Smackhead Steve: Smackhead!
Earth's majestical naturally occurring pubic hair that somehow appears from dirt
Man, why do cows eat grass? It's Earths pubes