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coined by amber lineweaver in 2004, meaning legitamately discriminate

not letting that kid in our group because of his abnoxiousness is a legiminate reason

by Lingwendil April 28, 2004

2👍 9👎

whatever sizzles your bacon

Almost like 'whatever floats your boat', albeit different.

"I like to eat bananas at the noontime." said wingaling webster."whatever sizzles your bacon." said blueskin bernie.

by Lingwendil June 7, 2004

21👍 3👎


an utteration of contempt, often replacing many four-letter words often associated with anger.

ex. my fishtank is leaking? Carra!!!

by Lingwendil April 28, 2004

14👍 56👎


where something is both awesome and awful at the same time

breaking your leg while doing a sick move in skateboarding could be considered awefsome

by Lingwendil April 28, 2004

5👍 2👎


when you try to say correct as well as proper at the same time

you assembled the bike in a cropper manner

by Lingwendil April 28, 2004

11👍 26👎