A text containing a message related to love or making the recipient feel loved; "Love-text."
Message From Mike
Received on Feb 11 at 10:45pm
nite babe, i luv u call me tomorrow
Use in a sentence:
"Aww, how sweet, my boyfriend lexted me."
A text message with a nice meaning; "Nice text."
Message From Sondra
Received on Feb 11 at 11:24am
hey grl! ur presentation today was awesome!
Use in a sentence:
"I love getting next messages, they brighten my day!"
A text message with a hateful meaning; "Hate-text."
Message From Dan
Received on Feb 11 at 11:24am
ur such a fcking slunt, i hope u choke on a dick and die!
Use in a sentence:
"WTF! My ex just hexted me!"
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