Amalgamation of the two words - sticky knickers. Used to describe underwear with skid marks, or after unsuccessfully trying to wait while desperate to go for a wee.
My wife was feeling discomfort in her stickers, as she'd been stuck on the bed with paralyzed legs for some time.
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Spending more time than usual in bed, not necessarily asleep. Mostly used to describe someone who usually sleeps at night, but spends time during waking hours in bed as well.
My wife wasn't feeling well yesterday so she had a bedlife day!
Alternative spelling of oneties, the decade between 2010 and 2019. Before this decade you have the noughties, and afterwards the twenties, so the decade in-between had to be given a suitable name.
Man 1: In the wonties, we want world peace, a great global economy and better shows on the TV.
Man 2: You want a lot, don't you?
The type of toilet paper often found in public toilets (restrooms) where the sheets are often of varying lengths, e.g. a short length represents a dit, a long length represents a dah. I don't know morse code but if I did, I might be able to decipher the code to see what subliminal messaging the manufacturer is trying to send to me.
God, not another one of those morse code toilet paper rolls, I wish they would order more expensive toilet rolls.
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The opposite of Indian Giver.
Used to describe the act of asking for something, then saying you don't want it yet.
Me: My wife asked for some help moving some stuff around, then said when I went to help that she didn't want it yet.
My friend: She's such an Indian Taker
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The name of the decade from 2010 to 2019. We've had the noughties, and after 2020 we will have the twenties, so this has to be the most logical name for the one between.
Man: I've had some fun during the noughties!
Other Man: Yes, just think what fun we could have during the oneties!
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One who tries to negotiate with others, but has strong hate for their point of view on the subject.
That footballer who is being given the yellow card is such a negotihater