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A dunghole masquerading as a city a few miles north of Boston. The population of Lynn is made up entirely of prostitutes, drug addicts, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, con artists, pregnant 14 year olds, deadbeat teenage dads, welfare cheats, and vagrants. The only industries that flourish in this squalid cesspool of a city are prostitution, drug dealing, arson, and pit bull fighting. There was hope for Lynn when a massive fire leveled much of downtown many years ago. Unfortunatly several more conflagrations or possibly a dirty bomb are required before this sub-human, third world hell-hole can be salvaged.

Question: What happened last night in Lynn?
A:Murder during drug deal gone bad
B:Rape of teenager or elderly woman
C:Devastating 4 Alarm Fire
D:Gang Fight, killing several thugs
E:All of the Above

Answer: E of course

All stories will be printed in the Lynn Daily Item newspaper, complete with multiple mis-spelled words and missing or incorrect punctuation

by Little Jack Horny February 11, 2005

365👍 576👎

Nova Scotia

Greatest & most beautiful province in Canada. No people, we all had to go to Boston to find work, but the most breath-taking scenery in the world. Too bad we're continually screwed over by a**hole politicians in Ottawa, and powerful interests in western Canada who sh*t on us. Nova Scotia (and NB & PEI) are even more isolated from the rest of Canada by those crying limp-wristed pussy frogs in Queerbec who won't stop whining, so pretty soon we'll have to join the U.S. and become the 7th New England state. They do more for us than the rest of Canada anyway. Hell, we're already part of Red Sox Nation. We'll NEVER be fans of the Blow-Jays or the not so dearly departed Expos. Nova Scotia rocks, the rest of Canada can kiss our asses.

How can you tell the difference between someone from Nova Scotia and someone from Quebec?

The person from NS will wave and say "Hello". The person from Quebec will flip you off and say something rude in french, but then run away in terror like the pussies they are if you confront them.

by Little Jack Horny February 14, 2005

672👍 377👎