Source Code


before (BEE four) noun. in this instance, before refers to when families, or individuals, went by their last names -- generally in the Old Country prior to emigrating to the USA. so as not to be identified with any particular ethnic, religious, nationality, etc. the last name was changed to appear more 'American' in order to 'fit in.'

Mordecai: 'Ma, This is Sue, the woman I told you about.'
Ma: (To herself: 'Oy vey!) What a lovely creature! I didn't catch the last name dear...'
Mordecai: (To himself: 'Oh fuck!')
Sue: 'Smith. Mrs. Goldfarb.'
Ma: 'Lovely name, what was it before dear?'
Ma: (To herself: 'Jesus Christ, a fucking shikse! My son has brought home a courve, I hope the neighbors didn't see her.')
Sue: 'Before - what Mrs. Goldfarb?'
Mordecai: (To himself: 'Jesus Christ! How do I explain this one?')
Ma: 'You'll have to excuse me, I've got (the) shpilkus. Lovely to meet you Sue.'

by Little Miss Sunshine!! November 10, 2006

10πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


shpilkus (SHPILL cuss) noun. Yiddish literally 'Hairpins in the tuchas.' indicates or symptoms of gas, cramping, etc. in the intestines

Mordecai: Ma, This is Sue, the woman I told you about.
Ma: (To herself: Oy vey!) What a lovely creature! I didn't catch the last name dear...
Mordecai: (To himself: Oh fuck!)
Sue: "Smith" Mrs. Goldfarb.
Ma: Lovely name, what was it before dear?
Ma: (To herself: Jesus Christ, a fucking shikse! My son has brought home a courve, I hope the neighbors didn't see her.)
Sue: Before what Mrs. Goldfarb?
Mordecai: (To himself: Jesus Christ! How do I explain this one?)
Ma: You'll have to excuse me, I've got (the) shpilkus. Lovely to meet you Sue.

by Little Miss Sunshine!! November 10, 2006

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

San Francisco Values

noun, -- gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, coddling terrorists, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals

Over the space of a few days, the phrase "San Francisco values" has passed from the lips of conservative FOX News commentator Bill O'Reilly and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich onto the editorial pages of the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, where the paper endorsed a Republican congressional candidate because a Democratic House would mean "Pelosi will be speaker and her far-left San Francisco values -- gay marriage, cutting and running from Iraq, coddling terrorists, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals -- will become the House agenda."

In a recent online fundraising pitch, the now-pundit Gingrich asked supporters, "Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?" In Thursday's National Review Online, House Speaker Dennis Hastert asked, "Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?" Neither elaborated on the meaning of "San Francisco values."

by Little Miss Sunshine!! November 3, 2006

38πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

all fucked up

all fucked up (awl fuk tup) adj.
1. the condition or state of being of an object, place or person
2. (slang) under the influence of drugs or liquor

1. Condie Rice (to herself) "I'll be a son of a bitch! I wanted to continue my shopping spree in NYC but now the Gulf Coast is all fucked up. Guess I'll have to go see it."

2. Maryanne: "For fucksake Sue! Did you get high again?"
Sue: "Fuck off Maryanne."
Maryanne: "Honey, you really do look all fucked up."
Sue: "Jesus Christ Maryanne, Just put some clean piss in this Elmer's Glue bottle in case I'm tested at the clinic."

by Little Miss Sunshine!! November 10, 2006

41πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Ned Ludd

Ned Ludd (ned lud) pronoun. a feeble-minded man who smashed two (textile) frames belonging to a Leicestershire employer (c. 1779) Mr. Ludd believed that the industrial revolution would dehumanize human beings see Luddite

"Progress may have been a good idea once. But it has outgrown its usefulness," said Ned Ludd as he smashed the shit out of his Leicestshire employer's (textile) frames.

by Little Miss Sunshine!! November 10, 2006

13πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


paw-stah-FAR-ee-an-ism n. the recent emergence of a well illustrated and expressed Γ’Β€ΒœbeliefҀ that all existence was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster through the use of its "noodly appendages."

Person A: "This hilarious and satirical movement (called pastafarianism) came about after the Kansas School Board moved to put spiritualist creationism on par with scientifically supported evolution in Kansas public schools."

Person B: "This movement/definition (of religion) lacks the necessary mention of its reliance upon supernatural authority and thus the inescapable role of faith, which has been defined as having the purpose of "giving credence to things that never happened."

Person C: "Of course, there's bias inherent in that definition as well but, suffice it to say; the primary role of faith is to demand that one ignore logic and suspend reason so as to accept things as true which violate proven laws of science and often have not a shred of supporting evidence."

by Little Miss Sunshine!! January 1, 2007

86πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž