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"Russ" is a tradition and cultural phenomenon in Norway. Students who graduate from upper secondary school / High School /College, are called "Russ", and celebrate with the characteristic festivities (russefeiring) during the first few weeks of May. With the main celebration on the 17th of May, the Norwegian constitution day.

The "Russ" wear uniforms with their respective colours (Depending on their education, and school. Red, blue, black and green, are the most common colors).
Attached to the special cap is a tassel at the end of a long string, in which they tie knots, often around various items that are rewards for completing assignments listed on the "Russ knot" list. This cap is seldom used before the "russ baptism", which is usually held during the night to May 1.

"The Russ knots are totally crazy this year",
Translation: "Russeknutene er helt syke i år!"

If you are a Russ, you are bound to get this question from more then once. (mostly from kids who collect the cards):
"Can I have a Russ card please!?"
Translation: "Kan jeg få russekort!?"
A sentence you will love to hate as a Russ.

by Little Viking May 15, 2008

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