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Diamond Bar

A city somewhat near LA that is full of asians mostly Chinese and Korean. Many of the Chinese are "Korean washed". The Korean or "korean- washed" girls there mainly talk about subjects such as: Boys, Korean pop stars/band, Hair, Beauty, Cosmetic products, who they like/think is cute, who the dont like, pencils/pencil pouches and only along these subjects. They are somewhat boring to talk to but there are also many great people in Diamond Bar. Most of the dweller's "fun" rely on going to the Diamond Bar library where these old mean "ladies" are, going to seven eleven, round table, el pollo loco, etc. after school. It is not a bad city but can be somewhat boring after a period of time.

Person 1: "Let's go to Diamond Bar!"
Person 2: "Nah. There's nothing to do there. I'd rather hang at the Shoppes in Chino Hills"

by LittleWang69 May 31, 2011

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