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A skater: ANYONE who skateboards. Many people believe that skaters are destructive, and a general hazard to society. They seem to think that every skater also wears tight pants, smokes, has weed on them at all times, and is also out to destroy everything they see. Although many people think this way, it's simply not true.

A skater, like I said, is anyone who rides along on a piece of wood attached to wheels. They don't have to fit into any requirements to be a skater, they should just have fun when they do it. They don't have to only own band shirts, or have bangs hanging over one eye, or shop at hollister, or dye their hair black, blue and red, or mosh at every concert they go to, but by all means, they CAN. They can do all of that and still skate, yes, without risking the chance of getting shot by those ever-voilent skaters (I was kidding about that part, incase you didn't catch that). That's one of the many things that's so great about skating.

There are a ton of reasons to skate. Oddly enough, none of them threaten the downfall of the economy.

People don't skate so they can wear tight pants and Emerica shirts. They don't skate to do drugs. They don't skate for the attention. They don't skate so they can tag every inch of cement there is. They don't skate because they want to be stereotyped these things, either. (Oh, and if you do skate so you can get labeled or because you think you'll earn brownie points with your friends, PLEASE, for the sake of humanity, fall off a cliff.)

Way back when I was in middle school, I just began to learn to skateboard. I loved it because it was so fun, and was a much better hobby than starring at a computer screen all day (Needless to say, my former hobby). I wanted to go to the public school in my area, but my friend's mom told my parents that if I did, BECAUSE I SKATEBOARD, I would get in to the 'wrong crowd' and become a pot head, crap like that...

people who stereotype skaters need to die. 'Nuff said.

by Liv Hull November 28, 2006

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