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A play on the term "non--player character" from various forms of interactive gaming (particularly RPGs).

Someone using no critical thought or reasoning skills.
Simply regurgitating a set of arguments and non-sequiturs bequeathed to them by someone else.
Also, once you get it being passed along through multiple generations of NPCs, you get the "Chinese Whispers" effect as well. Drastically ratcheting up the level of crazy.

Protestor: You're a Nazi!
Me: I'm Jewish...
Protestor: You're a racist!
Me: Have you read anything I've written in the last 10 years? It's fairly clear I'm not a racist.
Protestor: You're a misogynist!
Me: Okay, that's it. Please produce some evidence of my supposed misogyny.
Protestor: Uh...I just heard it from someone...BUT YOU'RE EVIL!
Me: Ah, you're an NPC. Better get that script fact-checked...

by Lobo The Duck October 10, 2018

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