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Mr Carney

The most feared gangster and serial paedophile the world has ever seen. He worked at Deniliquin high and moved to Bega as the cops started to catch up to him. He can likely be found hiding near schools or playground, or likely under your bed. Mr Carney has a cult following known as the CarneyGang and the can be identified by the red and black polo sports t-shirts. Watch out for Mr Carney the virginity thief, he’ll make your anus bleed.

Jack West: see that white liquid on the window.
Jono: yeh that was me and MrCarney.
Mildog: No Doubt, he locked me up in his van and I worked as his sex slave for a week.
Davo: That’s the Mr Carney we all know and love.
Jack West: I hear he has a fedish for frog ranga amphibions.
All: Shut up Syndrome.

by Local Street Ranga March 30, 2020

1👍 8👎

Shane Stone

Shane Stone is the biggest wander alive. Shane is a real estate agent who lies about termite and water issues to sell his houses. To identify a Shane Stone they will typically gel up their hair, wear aviators and drive a 90’s to early 2000’s BMW.

Don’t trust Shane Stone

Shane Stone: oh yeh this house is awesome, it backs onto national park and I wouldn’t be surprised if water was flooding out of the spring. I got a damage inspection and there’s absolutely no problem, this area is known for termites but the house is termite free.

House: no water, spring is dried up. 50 - 60 bats living in the walls, backs onto private property. Riddled with termites and has a 3cm layer of bugs covering the ground.

Shane: oh the house wasn’t like that when I was there but it’s too late now you already bought it, but here’s a free plant for your troubles.

Plant: dies due to dehydration.

by Local Street Ranga April 8, 2020