When a married spouse, in a monogamous marriage, sneaks off to a cabin, under the excuse to renovate the/a cabin to cheat on their significant other, with a side piece in secrecy.
Renovating the cabin. My best friends wife, went to renovate their cabin, but she was caught cheating on my boy.
A fat, drunk woman that actively pursues you in a bar, or a club setting.
Damn. Loretta is a drunk land whale. I had to run out the club, without paying my tab to save my life.
A drunk woman, in a bar, or club who actively pursues another individual for sex.
Damn, Loretta is a drunk land whale. I had to run out the club, without paying the tab to save myself.
A Golden Powerwash is you you take a shit, and then you have to take a piss. You use your piss to clean the remaining shit smears.
Damn, Jack, I had to use a Golden Powerwash to clean off the remaining shit smear, and I flushed a turd.