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A group of religious people that believe touching any piece of modern technology will result in them going to hell. They live in cabins with and raise crops and animals because they believe that feeding and washing animals on a daily basis is easier than going to a local supermarket to buy food needed for the next two weeks.

Amish Mom: Don't wash your hands after you take a shit because that is unsanitary and you will go to hell.
4-year-old in suspenders: Yes Mother, I also just got back from washing the pigs after they rolled around in the mud.

by Logic Defined November 10, 2019

4👍 3👎

Black People

Most black people are very nice people and friends. Even though I don't like some music genres created by African Americans, I still think a lot of their traditions are cool.

Dickhead: Black people are insecure fairies that take everything as an insult. They call each other the n-word like it's no big deal, but when someone who isn't black says it, they get all offended. Or when they get arrested by a cop after commiting a crime, they deny the allegations and call it police brutality.

Not-Dickhead: isn't that everything you did last weej>

by Logic Defined November 10, 2019

10👍 48👎