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Here's the problems defining feminism:

1. The definition is old as fuck and if you think the meanings of words don't change over time or vary from culture to culture then you're delusional, and using an appeal to definition fallacy.

2. Feminism is a movement, and as with all movements their goals change over time.

In short, the current dictionary definition is unreliable. Modern feminists campaign for "safe spaces" (spaces in which free speech is shit on, sometimes segregated by race and gender), an end to "man-spreading". More radicals will call for things such as national castration day and shipping of all men to concentration camps. If you identify as a feminist, and you do not believe in the false victim narratives, the concepts of patriarchy, toxic masculinity and internalised misogyny, then my question to you is why on earth would you tie yourself to a movement that by in large does. Feminism does not equal equality, it's simply a vehicle towards it; unfortunately, the vehicle bounced right off the metaphorical wall of equality and got launched so far back that the driver decided to say "fuck it" and reverse as far as they could. If you wish to be someone who believes in equality without being tied down to a movement so incompetent that they believe that the gender wage gap is down to sexism, I suggest you look into egalitarianism.

What a surprise, that teacher force feeding those young girls identity politics and a victim narrative bigger than Kim Kardashians ass is a big advocate for feminism

by Logicfag July 1, 2016

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